CBD For Women: The Endocannabinoid System, Anandamide & the Uterus

The Benefits of CBD for Women's Health

Cannabis & Women’s Wellness

Cannabis has been used extensively for women's health throughout history. 

Cannabis has been found beneficial for women's reproductive health concerns for thousands of years from menstruation to menopause.

One hundred years ago, before hemp and marijuana became illegal under federal law in the US, the Materia Medica had over 100 references to the use of cannabis for women's health issues. 

In fact, it was the leading recommendation among all prescriptions for health care. 

This natural plant has been misaligned, and now with the flood of marijuana and hemp legalization, the doors have been opened to rediscover the many gifts of cannabis for women's wellness. 

The legal cannabis industry is growing rapidly in the field of wellness, and women’s women is a huge focus.

We now also have widely accessible ways to experience the beneficial properties of the cannabis plant through hemp-derived CBD products (which are 100% legal in the USA) without experiencing any of the psychoactive properties of it’s cousin plant marijuana.

CBD for Women: The Endocannabinoid System, Anandamide, and the Uterus

Endocannabinoids in the Uterus

The endocannabinoid system plays a key part in regulating almost every system in the body, reducing inflammation, and supporting our immune system, health, digestion, mood, hormones, and fertility.

The uterus and ovaries are full of endocannabinoid receptors for both CB1 and CB2.

These receptors are sensitive to both the cannabinoids in cannabis as well as the natural endocannabinoids our body produces, like anandamide. 

Anandamide is an endocannabinoid often called the “bliss molecule”.

The uterus has the highest level of anandamide in the body during ovulation, and anandamide is essential for conception and fertility.

At times in a woman's cycle or pregnancy, the amount of anandamide in her uterus is 100 times more the amount that is in her brain!

We can naturally support the health of our endocannabinoid system, and bring ease to our reproductive organs and cycles, through harnessing the natural power of wellness through healthy and legal cannabis products like CBD. 

CBD for Women's Health

CBD for Women

CBD is cannabidiol, a powerful cannabinoid from the cannabis plant that supports the endocannabinoid system of the body to regulate immunity, hormones, digestion and mood.

Cannabis is a herbal plant that has two forms: hemp and marijuana.

Marijuana has THC, which causes the high feeling, and CBD, the cannabinoids that have therapeutic effects. Plus together the two work synergistically to enhance the benefits of the herb through the entourage effect.

Hemp has CBD but no or low THC, and is legal in all 50 states in the US as a herbal supplement.

CBD products from hemp have high levels of CBD, but none of the THC, and do not cause any high effects.

Therefore, people have options as to be able to take cannabis herbal products without having to have any high effects if they don't want them, through the availability of legal CBD products.

CBD is really amazing for easing the normal discomforts of menstrual cramps and perimenopause.

Cramping, PMS, and other cyclical discomforts worsen due to inflammation in the body causing prostaglandins.

CBD, anandamide, and cannabinoids reduce inflammation and create ease in the body.

If you are struggling with hormonal balance during your cycles, it’s worth trying out.

Especially since now there are so many great CBD products without THC (the molecule that gets you high), so there are many options that can help you to feel better without any psychoactive effects. 

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CBD for Women

My Favorite CBD

I’ve tried lots of CBD oils and my favorite that I currently am taking is the Chocolate Mint CBD Oil from REVIVE.

REVIVE’s CBD oils are from 100% organic hemp grown in the USA, plus third-party tested to ensure purity and potency. They are completely legal in the USA, and they make CBD oils for pets as well as humans.

Get 10% off at REVIVE with my coupon code: happy10

The coupon code happy10 is good for 10% off your first order of any of their products, which are exceptional quality essential oils, as well as CBD.