Planting the Seeds for Success: How to Change Your Mindset, Take Strategic Action, and Achieve Your Goals

Planting the Seeds for Success

I am so excited about springtime! The equinox is on Saturday and that marks the beginning of a brand new season for growth and opportunities.

Where I am in New Hampshire, it's time for planning the garden and getting ready for soon starting the first seeds in anticipation of this new year's harvest. 

It's a time for setting new goals and creating a plan of action for the warm season of growth ahead.

It's not just time to plan the garden, it's time to make a new plan of action for all areas of our lives - including our health, family, relationships, business, and spiritual growth. 

I just love how in every area of our life we can look to nature to witness how things work.

Just as we have certain things we need to do and rules to follow for planning the garden, there are similar steps to follow in planning for success in every area of our lives and work. 

If you want to succeed at a project, you have to have a mindset that is focused on learning, growth, and solutions.

When I first learned how to garden I had no idea what to do. I started taking organic gardening classes and volunteering at a local community garden and absolutely loved it.

However, when I tried to grow my own seeds at home and nurture a few seedlings I bought at a plant sale, I failed miserably. The stems grew spindly, the culinary herbs got aphids, and the vegetables died from too much sunlight and not enough water. 

For many years I thought that I just wasn't good at gardening and while I would occasionally grow a few herbs, flowers, and vegetables here and there they never really flourished because I had the mindset that I wasn't very good at it and didn't put in the effort to create change. 

It wasn't until I decided that I really wanted to succeed at gardening and shifted my mindset to focus on what I needed to learn that I grew an abundant garden for the first time. 

It just took changing my thoughts from thinking that I wasn't good at it, to think that I could learn whatever I needed to learn.

I did my homework, made a plan, and grew my seeds into veggies, plants, and flowers! There were rules I needed to follow for the natural laws of growth to happen.

I had to do the work that needed to be done in the right order, pay attention throughout the process, problem-solve when unexpected situations arose, and seek help when needed from people who had more experience with the specific environment and plants that I was working with. 

Having the right mindset is essential for every goal to succeed. 

Every goal starts as a seed - an idea. 

For a seed to bloom fully and for us to reap the rewards of our labor we must follow the right steps.

A gardener can toss seeds everywhere, but they will not root, grow, thrive, and produce a harvest unless the rules for success are followed. 

One can imagine a field of flowers, but if the seeds are thrown on concrete they will not grow, no matter how well one can visualize bouquets of blooms. 

You can create massive growth in all areas of your life by having the right mindset and following a proven action plan for success.

The Essential Steps for Success

  1. Prepare: Plant your seed in the right place and season. 

  2. Grow: Provide it with the ingredients for success (sun, water, and soil).

  3. Cultivate: Patiently tend to the garden bed to keep out weeds and pests - and add more nutrients as needed.

  4. Improve: Seek the wisdom and advice of an experienced gardener when needed for problem-solving. 

Whatever your goals are, whether it's for your health, family, life, business, or garden - it's important to start with a plan of action that is based upon the laws of nature. 

If you have had challenges in the past, it doesn't mean you are not going to succeed, it just means that you need to change the way you are perceiving the situation. 

If you want to have different results in the future, you need to think differently about your goals. 

Take the time to get clear on what your goals and vision are for this new season ahead. 

Then make sure that you are taking strategic action with a success-oriented mindset that is focused on preparation, growth, cultivation, and improvement.

At this time of season's change, do you need to change your mindset for your goals and vision to bloom?

You can do what you put your mind toward as long as you don't give up and keep learning, trying, and refining.  

Wishing you abundant health and success! 

Many blessings,

Kara Maria Ananda